Saturday, February 21, 2009

Meeting updates (February 21, 2009)

Updates from the Feb21 meeting:
1. The alumni association will have the following people at the helm of things, so that the organization has a definite shape and structure. (Please note that you are free to join any team, provided you are willing to work and be present in at least some of the meetings)
President - Iva Bhattacharya
Secretaries - Saujanya Chowdhury, Tithi Amboli
Souvenir team - Sanhita Bandyopadhyay, Rianka Roy, Ahirini Deb
Advertisement-- *
Press and publicity -- Rini Biswas
Accounts--- *
Cultural -- The cultural team has been loosely divided in three groups: music, dance and recitation/anchoring. There are too many names in each group. and I don't have the names with me. The same applies for advertisement and accounts. I'll ask Tithi Amboli (2000) to create a new post will all the names in.

2. On April 14, 2009, we'll have a walk near Maidan. We are trying to rope in a few celebrities. Those of you with influential contacts may be of some help regarding this. There will be a dress code. Swapna-di suggested that we get badges and also uttariyas. Nothing has yet been fixed.

3. Those in the cultural team will be meeting regularly for rehearsals, for the three-day long cultural programmes in October.
4. We are meeting next on March 7, 2009 at 2 pm. Venue is the same.

MGGS alumni blog

Hi everyone. This is the blog for the alumnae of Multipurpose Govt. Girls' School, Alipore. We are celebrating 50 years of our school this year. The blog will have all the updates and discussions regarding the plans and schedules of the celebration. We have tentatively decided to meet every second and fourth Saturdays of a month at our school gymnasium. Those who cannot attend the meetings, please follow the blog posts for important updates, since it is not possible always to contact you all individually. Please send your queries about the alumni association to or
Rianka Roy (2001) (I am in charge of online communications)